So after that, we had to wait until ~March. Because that's what Momoyama is. They are chilled and nice and made us wait for our next application. We had to fill out a lot of stuff. If I don't remember everything, I'm sorry. But the important stuff will probably be included.
The COE is your application for the alien registration aka. visa. You will have to fill this out before going to Japan and send it to your university. They will go to the right office to get you registered for a student visa. Then they send you back your COE and you have to go to the Japanese embassy in your country. There you have to fill out another form, give the form you recieved plus your passport and a picture of you and the next day your visa is ready to be picked up. Please don't forget it when you board the plane. You will need it when you get out of the airport in Japan. With that, you are a legal temporary citicen of Japan and can legally live here. If you don't have it before you arrive, you will only get a tourist visa and will need to leave Japan after 3 months. (or you have to go to the office and get the student visa yourself, but that's rather hard and unneccesary.)Part-time job application
So our university gave us a form, with which we could also apply for working part time in Japan. You also have to give this form to the people at the airport after you arrive, so please don't forget it.Health certificate
This one was really bad. They want to know so many things to see if you are healthy. You have to be vaccinated against anything - chicken pox, pertussis, measels, mumps, rubella, diphteria, etc. And you have to get your lungs screened and take an extra tuberculosis test. So yeah, a lot of needles for me, since I lost my vaccinates-book years ago and with that had to get my blood drawn and tested for my health certificate. Aside from that, it's not so bad.A hint for Austrian students: Der Tuberkulosetest und das Lungenröntgen sind bei der MA38 in Favoriten gar nicht so teuer! Ich glaub insgesamt waren es so um die 40 Euro? Kommt euch vermutlich billiger, als zum Facharzt zu gehen. Außer euer Hausarzt schreibt euch eine kleine Lüge auf die Überweisung á la "Verdacht auf Lungenentzündung"...
Buddy application
If you want, you can apply for a buddy. The rules sound horrible at first (only meeting outside, you have to meet once a week etc.) but in the end, it's nothing like that. You can apply for a buddy and will get sorted into a buddy group. So there are 5 exchange students and 5 japanese students and you can write to all of the buddies. I actually did, only got response from 3 of them and until now (nearly 4 weeks after arrival) I've only met one of them. We are officially meeting all of our buddies at the welcome party on 24th of September - the start of this semester.Homestay
There is also a homestay, you can attend! And fear not, it's for free! We didn't know, but they still let us apply later. So hopefully, we'll be able to get a nice homestay for a weekend. If you're not sure if you want to take it or not: take it. It's probably a good chance to actually use japanese.National Insurance & Momoyama Insurance
Aside from the national insurance, you also have to take the Momoyama insurance. The Momoyama one will pay for 70% of your expenses in case you might need a doctor and more. You have to fill out that form and send it to them, or you won't be accepted. It sounds useless, but it's actually good. Believe me.I guess that were the most important things. Now we only have left how to find a good flight to Japan and what to think about while packing... See you soon!